"Great to get rid of those awful silly tapes in our head. You know "Think about the starving people in Africa!" - Sorry, mom, there is NO way this food is going to help ANY starving people in Africa! And the
restaurants - they're the worst. I don't hav
e to eat the meal they put out - that can feed 3 people!
I'm really glad you are giving yourselp permission not to eat everything! You're doing GREAT!"
The reply that i like is;
I've heard the statement about it being rude to clean your plate--I think it is a misinterpreation. If someone "licks the plate clean" and makes a big production about sopping up every drop of sauce and every crumb, well that might be rude. But if you eat what you took, give or take a bite or so here and there--I think that is normal. I was raised to believe that it was rude to consciously waste food.
Well in above is just for an info, the Scratch begins...NOW!!!
1.) Have you guys ever notice those rice that dropouts, every time when you taking out the rice from the bowl???
2.) Have you ever said to your self that you don't want to drop any single rice from the bowl, before taking it....??, Just to make sure you don't want any rice to dropout from your spoon...
3.) Do you always leave some food on your plate after you're done eating it...?? Have you ever tried to reduce the amount of the rice that you take...?? Have you ever said to your self,that you'll finish up all the rice that's in your plate, before you start eating.......
4.) Do you always get hungry, like you can finish all on the plate, but at the end, you still left some of food, have you ever asked your self why can't you finish it, what happened to that confident that you had before???
5.) It's like you're taking the amount of rice as usual, but, this time you've finished it but you still feeling hungry...have you ever notice this?? or have you think about this why???
6.) Have you ever got angry when you can't get the food that you expected or wanted....,if yes...even you cant get it from the other restaurant, did you asked your self why you get angry...???
7.) Did you hate when people talks to you while you were eating....??...and why is that?? have anyone taught you to be like that??
8.) Do you always get the thought about those starving peoples, when every time you waste food??? have ever asked your self why did you get this feeling, when even no one taught you this??
9.) After your meal, have you ever felt hungry again when you smell your favorite dish??....well....why is that??
10.) When you invite your friend for dinner did you've ever seen any of them force him self to finish up all in the plate...have you asked him why? even not your friend it could be your relatives or someone in the same restaurant where you were eating...have you seen they forcing them self to finish all the foods in the plate.....have you ever wonder why do they do that???
I think you guys knows that everything that happens in this earth is for a reason
But some says it's a (LBS) Last Bites Syndrome...and some do also says that it's littering, wasting and much more so what do you saying about this???
I'm not talking about those times where you're trying to eat those last few niblets and you whittle it down to just one last bite but your stomach tells you "eat that and I will throw it all back at you". No. That at least shows some gumption and effort. I'm talking about when, out of NOWHERE, you abruptly stop eating leaving only the one swallow's worth of food on the plate for no apparent reason. You showed no signs of slowing down prior to the sudden cessation. So, why? I'm baffled by this compulsion. Is it truly, as I suspect, simply a devious method of self-deception intended to trick the mind into thinking you weren't as indulgent as you actually were?
Let say, You're having a lovely meal with your significant other/ date/ friend/ consigliari, when suddenly she stops just shy of finishing the tasty dish she's been happily devouring for the last half hour. There is approximately one bite left on her plate.
You are dumbfounded. Where did her appetite suddenly go? Did her body just decide to begin rejecting food? And, more importantly, how could she leave just one bite sitting there on the plate? Doesn't she know that part of the fun of dining out is proving that you can finish mammoth portions in front of a full restaurant? Where's the glory if you don't eat the last bite?
I could guess that the psychology behind not eating the last bite is that if you don't polish it off, you didn't really eat all of that big, juicy, tasty goodness, you just snacked on most of it. You didn't make that whole pizza disappear, you left one slice. "See, I didn't eat that whole cheesecake... the crust is still there!"
Whereas someone like me would just say, "Yup, I ate the whole thing all by myself. Impressive, eh?" Because I'm proud of it. A little sick, but proud.
Now, pass the TUMS, wuss. ha,ha,ha.....
Started to SCRATCH YOUR MIND hah???
So, it's a simple answer for those 10 questions....from the number 4 until 9 the answer is...Satisfaction... and number 1 until 3 and 10....???

Will be continue in PART 2 of SCRATCH 3....Stay online...will available by December 7th,2010... at the same time try to ask your self about those questions from 1 to 3 and 9, and let me know if you got any answers for it...
The best answers could get a chance to win great prizes....For more about the contest and prizes visit the official webpage HERE