Recently i mailed some of my friends to ask their opinion regarding this topic, and you know what i received more replies and some replies impressed me and some like " Okay, i think you have no problem with it" and some shocked me like "You need a psychiatric dude...gosh"....ha,ha,ha but anyhow everyone has their own reason why they don't like to read....
But for the same thing with many reason....but by this i can conclude a one thing that no one can decline, that human will give millions of reasons for a thing that they lazy and hate to do, am i right? - THUMBS UP AND CLICK LIKE- if you're saying yes
But for the same thing with many reason....but by this i can conclude a one thing that no one can decline, that human will give millions of reasons for a thing that they lazy and hate to do, am i right? - THUMBS UP AND CLICK LIKE- if you're saying yes

“Today a reader, tomorrow a leader.”~Margaret Fuller~
Alright, let me come to the topic again, from that many mails from my friends i've picked one for your reference, Where he says: "i like to ready comedy or fun or sex jokes hua hua hua nt sure since when but like it..."...i was like "For heaven sake...because of you nowadays even a 90year old nanny been raped...gosh" ...ha,ha,ha....see like i said...reason...for the thing you don't's not the conclusion for this topic....carry on..reading this...
Well, you may be redirected from anywhere to here and now you are reading it, do you know why?, maybe you didn't realize or maybe some of the reasons that I've mention in Scratch 1....But if you've read until here it means you are trying to get something or maybe you are trying to find out what's really in here am i right? see like i said in Scratch 1.
Alright there's another case that i want to share with you guys where i asked about the same topic to my another brother and he says this: "in my view it depends on many the situation that we have for exams, as a time pass, as a hobby or even a craze as following a author...but for me it all depends on my mood bro...reading should happen wen i am not tied up wit something wen I'm online i dun prefer to read a long article reading is my kinda' thing which is influenced by my mood n situation..."
- Alright to make it simple he also depends on mood...and don't like to read article online so most probably if i revealed his any personal info in here i think he won'
t realize it..ha,ha,ha....anyhow, so this case needs own self motivation...
So far according to my research Depends on Mood is major reason that given by peoples....
Even a kindergarten student knows that reading gives a lot of knowledge but why they don't want....Not only the students even a grown man too hates to read..
- Alright to make it simple he also depends on mood...and don't like to read article online so most probably if i revealed his any personal info in here i think he won'

So far according to my research Depends on Mood is major reason that given by peoples....
Even a kindergarten student knows that reading gives a lot of knowledge but why they don't want....Not only the students even a grown man too hates to read..
“If you have knowledge, let others light their candles with it.”~Margaret Fuller~
According to a research in Malaysia that; Malaysians read increasingly less as they grew older. By the age of 50, for example, only 20% of Malaysians would still continue to read books, a drop from 40% (a figure which is already pathetic) from those in the mid-twenties to thirties age group.
Where I've took a poster from the star which shows this:
Where I've took a poster from the star which shows this:

* Mexico: 0.5 books per year
* Chile: 1 book per year
* Thailand: 2 books per year
* Philippines: 3 books per year (interestingly, the Bible accounted two-thirds of the type of materials read)
* USA: 5 books per year (1 in 4 Americans never read a book, but for those who do read, the average number of books they read per year is 7, an average of 5 for males and 9 for females)
* Japan: 10 books per year
* France: 10 books per year
* Canada: 17 books per year
Information, Communication and Culture Minister of Malaysia, Datuk Seri Rais Yatim, recently said that “Reading has become an enveloping habit for Malaysians with most reading an average of eight to twelve books per year.” If what was said by the Datuk is true than this would make us one of the most well read people in the world! Could this wonderful news be true?
As they say: if it sounds too good to be true, it probably is.
Alright, that's only for your general knowledge, see like i told you, if you read you can gain knowledge, see, now you have read about what happened in our country about reading...Come on be honest with your self; and think do you really know about this before??...if not, then you already know how did you know it now...
Owh....Please don't tell me that you just only knows the Information, Communication and Culture Minister's name...If it is, then you need more general knowledge, and you know what to do...i mean where to gain knowledge....YOU NEED TO READ buddy....ha,ha,ha....
I think i didn't get the proper reason or answer for this topic, so this topic will continue...
Until then people what you need to do is try to ask your friends about this topic i mean "WHY PEOPLE DON'T LIKE TO READ" you suppose to ask them "do you like to read/if do why...if not why?" then send me what they says, the best one will be discussed in the next SCRATCH....
This is a PART 2 of SCRATCH 2: another part will be posted ASAP.....Check back for the second part...
Copyrights © 2010 WRiT3RLK. @An Incomplete Material From WRiT3RLK's Pen Works....
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